Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish

P/S ! THIS IS MY BLOGGER ! so , xpya naa bwat semak , kalo xske ape yg aq post kt dlm blog nihh , bleyy angkt BONTOT kaw uhh !kalo naa bace , bace jehh , xpuas aty kaw pnye psal nie blog aq , ade paham ??!! then xpuas aty bak dtg lahh ! aq naa kutuk , sape-sape punn aq pnye ske , mcm aq ckap tdyy nie an blog aq ! xpya naa tunjuk bguss sound aq pandai !
HYE ! :) i'm NUR ALEEZA SHAH BT SHARIZAL . MANJE or ALEEZA for short , okayy .SIXTEEN on 25 AUGUST . currently staying BANTING .100% TAKEN :D I'm a bit selfish and arrogant person dude / babe :) I can be your good friends and I also can be bad bad enemy . I love music , shopping , fashion , sleep , online , singging , taking picture and eat Bebehh , hahaha . I'm fucking hate backstabber , hypocrite and stalker , suckaaa ! I be friend with everyone . Be nice to me , then i will treat u wayy more better :) Thank you for reading ;)))) act nie first time bwat blogger doe , tpi sebelum nii punye dahh jadi nyotnyot . HHA malas nak care tahu ((; so buddie , lets stattt . fuiyuhhhhhhand novels are my favorite things.
To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control, that can lead you to be shattered in very extreme circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something very important about the condition of the ethical life: that it is based on a trust in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a jewel, something rather fragile, but whose very particular beauty is inseparable from that fragility.


Thursday, July 22, 2010 @ 9:57 AM

la'senorita'akhaisya: "HYE ! :) i'm NUR ALEEZA SHAH BT SHARIZAL . MANJE or ALEEZA for short , okayy .SIXTEEN on 25 AUGUST . currently staying BANTING .100% TAKEN :D I'm a bit selfish and arrogant person dude / babe :) I can be your good friends and I also can be bad bad enemy . I love music , shopping , fashion , sleep , online , singging , taking picture and eat Bebehh , hahaha . I'm fucking hate backstabber , hypocrite and stalker , suckaaa ! I be friend with everyone . Be nice to me , then i will treat u wayy more better :) Thank you for reading ;) so buddie , lets starttt . fuiyuhhhhhhand novels are my favorite things."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 @ 5:23 PM

@ 4:34 PM

@ 4:25 PM

azrin hezry ♥
be mine on 09/07/2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 11:18 PM

aku xtau lahh naa ckp mcm mane agie dgn kau ,
aku xtau agie naa bwat mcm mane agie supaya kau pcye aku .
kalo dahh mcm nie mmg xgne aku ckp bnyak .
sbb mmg kau xakn cye nye . baek aku diam jehh ato just ending ann
smue nie dgn break skli agienye . itu yg kau naa sgt an .
makin lame , makin aku xfaham pragai kau . aku xtau ape yg
sbnarnye kau naa haa ? sorry slme aku ngn kau nie ade bwat kau
sakit aty , sorrryyy for evrythng :)
Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 1:22 PM

  1. One & Only. Your girlfriend should be your one & only. Make her feel special, k guys ? You’re lucky to have her even if she’s lucky to have you too. We know there are prettier out there but we like feeling as if we’re the only beautiful one in your eyes, & the only one you see.
  2. “Ladies first.” No. That rule doesn’t apply to communication. Don’t wait for her call, text, IM, why don’t you try talking to her first for a change ? It’s thoughtful & sweet if a guy can actually do that.
  3. Surprise her. You don’t have to drive an hour to her house at 3 a.m. to set off her name in fireworks in front of her window, but the little things are big things. A simple, good morning text, is more powerful than you think.
  4. What insecurities ? For the love of god, all girls have insecurities. Please don’t point them out. For example, today I was looking at food & my boyfriend said “You eat a lot. You probably could beat me at a buffet.” WHAT. THAT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY. Also, let her be herself. If she’s having a bad hair day, don’t make fun of her if it’s hurtful. Let her wear sweatpants & still feel pretty damn cute around you, even when she’s not looking her best.
  5. Act the same around your friends. You’re not a real man if you completely blow off your girl in front of your homeboys. When you’re going to hang out with her & your friends you better not run off & leave her standing there to greet them like WUDDUPPP GUYSSS.. NO, you better at least walk with her & introduce her to them if you haven’t already. If you walk with her hand in hand, she’ll love it.
  6. When she’s mad. Dude, you better try & get her back. Chase her, whatever it is, don’t let her walk away when she’s mad at you. It shows you don’t care enough to go after her. Don’t let her go.
  7. Maintain. If you did a bunch of cute things with her before, try & keep it up. You don’t have to go all out everyday for her, but don’t stop completely just because you got her already.
  8. Honesty. If you lie to her, you’re going to have one hell of a time regaining that trust because she’ll start questioning everything you’ve said or done for her, no matter how small that lie was. Fess up or get lost.
  9. Trust. If your girl really doesn’t like one of your friends, trust, she has good reason to. Girls’ intuition -shrug- So don’t go hanging with your homegirl all the time if you know your girlfriend doesn’t like that bitch. She usually won’t hate for no reason. Respect her.
  10. Love her. That’s all.
@ 12:18 PM